
Special events


Small School events

Wooroolin State School is part of the Kingaroy District Small Schools cluster. This includes Coolabunia, Crawford, Durong South, Kumbia, Tingoora and Wooroolin State Schools.
In an effort to maintain contact and create harmony between the schools and students, these small schools organise many regular events throughout the year. It is an opportunity for students in the small schools to make friends and work with others in a larger setting in preparation for lifelong friendships towards high school.


Summer and winter sports carnivals

Our main combined events are sports practices. For both the Summer and Winter Sports Carnivals, students from  Coolabunia, Crawford, Tingoora and Wooroolin gather at Wooroolin State School to practice for these events. Students nominate the sports in which they’re interested and work in their teams with students across a number of schools. Practices are held on the two preceding Fridays to the Carnival itself. Summer and Winter Carnivals combine the small schools with larger schools in our district and beyond and give students an opportunity to participate together. At these events our students wear the uniform of Small Schools and represent this alliance in competition.

Sports carnival  

Athletics carnival

Coolabunia, Crawford, Durong South, Tingoora and Wooroolin come together once a year to have their Small School’s Athletics Carnival. All students participate on this day: Senior students compete in the full range of events whist the Juniors compete in a number of track and field events. All students also participate in Ball Games at the closing of the Carnival. Successful athletes are then chosen to represent the Small Schools at District Level. Again, those students will wear the Small Schools team shirts rather than their respective school shirts.

Swimming carnival

Each year in the latter part of Term 4, our Small Schools have a Swimming Carnival at the Kingaroy Pool. There is a wide range of events and all swimming abilities are catered for. Successful students are nominated to represent the Small Schools at the District level and compete in Term 1 the following year.

Camps and excursions

From time to time, our schools combine for camps or excursions. At the beginning of each year our small schools Year 6s come together for leadership camp.  A City/Beach or Bush camp is also held in Term 4 for our Year 4-6's. 

Cluster events

Throughout the year, schools work together to engage in event days.  These may include NAIDOC day, Under 8's day and other events.


Transitioning through school happens in many stages.  

At Wooroolin we work with Early Childhood Education Centres as well as families to facilitate a strong and dedicated transition program into Prep. 

Transition to Highschool is also a strong program between Kingaroy State High School and cluster Principals to maximise success for our Year 6 students heading to high school.  We engage with past students and adjust the program each year to increase students' succeeding.


Last reviewed 11 October 2022
Last updated 11 October 2022