
Student services and support programs


Students at Wooroolin State School are supported in a number of ways: academically, socially and behaviourally.

Academic support

Our teaching staff of Senior Teachers is supported in the classroom by experienced Teacher Aides. Teacher Aides provide general classroom and individual support to students under the direction of the classroom teacher. Students identified with learning needs may be supported by the Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy (STLaN). This teacher is based at Coolabunia State School and supports schools in and beyond our cluster. Students with a verified disability have extra support through a visiting Inclusion Teacher. The Inclusion Teacher, in conjunction with the classroom teacher, designs specific lessons in line with the Education Adjustment Profile for that student.

Students may have individual learning programmes designed to suit their needs and in specific areas, e.g. spelling.

After NAPLAN pre-testing in March, the classroom teacher and STLaN design specific programmes for students in Years 3, 5 & 7 in order to support their learning up to the NAPLAN tests in May.

Students are provided regular verbal and written feedback throughout the day and receive specific feedback after major assessment. Students are provided criteria sheets for major assessment and classroom teachers will walk through the achievement standards so that students understand what is expected of them at the beginning of the assessment cycle.

Students are provided daily opportunities to practice basic skills such as number facts.

Indigenous students have an Individual Learning Plan in line with our Embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives (EATSIPS) programme.

As part of a three-way collaboration between students, teachers and parents, specific learning goals are discussed and set once a term. For Juniors, this is notably in the area of reading and behaviour; for Middle school and Seniors this can be in any identified area – academic or behaviour.

Values, social skills and leadership support

Students are supported through a number of programmes at Wooroolin State School which develop their social skills and leadership qualities. Please refer to our page about student leadership for more information. Please also read our link to the Wooroolin PROUD Values where our Virtues social skills programme is discussed. In addition to these more formal programmes, our staff teaches and supports social skills training daily. Students are reminded throughout the day to use appropriate manners and be respectful and caring for others. These skills are taught and are a focus at our weekly Parades as part of a Positive Behaviour Support strategy.

Behaviour support

At Wooroolin State School we use our Responsible behaviour plan for Students as the foundation document for reference. This document has been endorsed by our school community through the Parents and Citizens' (P&C) Assocation and is signed off by the Assistant Regional Director.

Essentially, our school promotes the Responsible Thinking Process.

Last reviewed 20 August 2019
Last updated 20 August 2019